#yandere omni man x reader
knullanon · 2 years
Yandere Grayson family taking in a teenaged dependent (not necessarily their family but someone they were in charge of) of one of the guardians of the globe, after their death. The teen attempting to find stability after such a traumatic event.
love you guys 💗
Part of The Family
words: 1829
warnings: talk of a loved ones death, depression, lmk if I missed anything!
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It wasn't supposed to go like this.
You had told yourself that many times, after your caregiver suddenly died, and you found out about their secret life. It was too much at once. You already lost your family: you didn't know what you were going to do without any other support in your life.
For a few days, you thought your life was over. You were depressed and out of energy, too tired to get up, too tired to even think about what had happened. You knew that you would eventually have to move out, get a job to support yourself. You had tried to plan for it as soon as you realized your grief was getting the best of you, but it was too much at once.
You were even thinking of just up and leaving, not taking anything with you just to start out fresh. The looming thought of what you could do now was always in the back of your mind, never leaving it even when you were sleeping.
And then, you met the Grayson's. They were nice enough when you first met them at the funeral. Debbie and Mark were very comforting to be around. And then, you got probably the best news of your life.
They were offering to take you in. Not just for a little while, but actually adopt you. It was the news you needed to get out of your little depression hole you had made and actually look forward to something in your life.
When they welcomed you with open arms, and had taken care of you like one of their own, it felt like an actual family.
Whether you realized it or not, you were slowly starting to forget about your old caretaker. They were almost an afterthought in comparison to the Grayson's.
You didn't know if that was a good or bad thing. On one hand, you were very happy in your new home, with your family, and you didn't have any worries or doubts that they didn't like you. On the other hand, you were forgetting the person who had taken care of you for the past few years. It almost felt disrespectful to your old caretaker to forget them so easily.
At first, it was just an afterthought, as you believed that you were just recovering from a traumatic event. But eventually, the depression and guilt started to sink in again. That you were discarding their memory. That they meant nothing to you even after all they had done. That they had cared for you and loved you, and this is what you do in return.
Eventually, it was always on your mind. And apparently, it was visible to your new family.
"Hey, _____, did you want to get some food?"
You looked towards your doorway, seeing Mark with his stupid little smile he always had. You had wondered how he was able to keep it on all the time.
"Sure, if you want to. Can you pay?"
"Yeah, where did you want to go?"
You shrugged. "Whatever's cheapest, I guess." You got up from your bed, and grabbed your jacket off your chair. You noticed that Mark almost seemed a little dejected, but it disappeared when you got a good look at him. He ran down the hall, yelling, "I'll be out in a second!"
After putting on your shoes and walking down the stairs, and into the living room. You walk past Nolan, which got his attention.
"Hey _____, where are you two headed?" He looked up from his laptop, obviously hearing your conversation upstairs. However, you were used to it at this point, as you soon realized when you first arrived. Mark and Nolan could hear anything anywhere.
"Mark wants to get some food, we'll probably just go get some fast food or something." You sat on the couch, patiently waiting for Mark, while thinking of the places you both could go.
Nolan closed his laptop with a soft click, before he fully turned towards you in his seat.
"_____, is there something... wrong? That we've done?"
You turned to look at him, obviously confused. "No, no. Why do you ask?"
He picked up his laptop and dishes, before he walked towards the sink. "I don't want you to think that I think that you're being rude or mean, because that's not at all what I'm worried about. It's just that you've been... distant, I guess the word is. Not because you want to be, but maybe because you're uncomfortable."
Before you could say anything, Mark yelled down the stairs, "I'm almost done! Just wait outside!" along with his footsteps down the hall. Nolan looked a little annoyed, but he quickly finished his talk, and put the dishes in the cabinets.
"I just want to let you know that I am here to talk to you. I know that it's been a rough couple of months for you, and I don't want you to feel uncomfortable in your own home."
Mark came running down the stairs, pulling a jacket over his shoulders. When he realized Nolan was there, he quickly told him, "Me and _____ are gonna go get some dinner, did you want anything?"
Nolan shook his head, "No, I already got something. Just be back before 9."
While Mark walked outside, Nolan again turned towards you. He gave out a long sigh, obviously a little irked that he couldn't finish his talk with you. "I know it's been hard for you to cope, so if you need anything, just know I am always available."
While he walked up the stairs, Mark came back inside. "Hey, did you forget something?"
You shook your head and walked out with him. "No, just talking with..."
What should you call Nolan? Was he your father? Was he just someone who housed you? What was he to you?
You couldn't finish your thought, however, as Mark had lifted you up and started flying.
"So, where did you want to eat?"
You both ended up just picking up a few burgers from a local joint before he told you he knew a spot, and flew you both over to a cliff overlooking a valley.
While it was beautiful, just talking with Mark and having fun was the best part of it.
"-and then, get this, he tells me his mom was there and that she wanted to speak to me!"
"Oh my god..."
"I know, right? So I walk out and ask her 'is there a problem, maam?' and she just goes berserk, like she starts yelling and screaming at me about how her son is innocent, and even he's embarrassed at this point."
"Did she do anything else?"
"No, she got hauled away by the cops after she started swinging at the guys who brought out her son. I've never seen anything like it before." he laughed and ate some of his food, before he laid down on his back.
"This place is so cool, dude. I never would've thought you could've found something like this before." Looking through the valley, it was mainly just trees and different rock formations that were spread about.
"Well, I've been scouting this place out since almost nobody comes by here for a place to just sit and watch everything, which is how I found this little ledge. I'm glad you like it."
He laughed a little more, before he sat up again, leaning on his forearm.
"Hey, I don't wanna be like, weird about this I guess, but I heard your talk with dad."
Of course, since Mark was half Viltrumite he could also hear extremely well.
"I just wanna make sure I didn't do anything. I know I can be, a little much sometimes, so if you want me to stop anything that I'm doing, I will."
You stayed silent for a minute, not wanting to say anything. If anything, you wished your problems could be washed away, that they never existed. that you could just be happy that you had a family.
Originally, you were just going to change the subject. But there was no one there. No one to eavesdrop. You could just get it all out, without having to worry who was listening.
Besides, Mark wouldn't tell anyone.
"I feel selfish for loving you guys: Nolan, Debbie, you. You make me feel like my old family, how we were all close knit and knew everything about each other. But I don't want to just discard my old guardian. They cared for me, too. They loved me."
"I know I loved them as well, but now it doesn't feel like it. I've been with them for years, and I can't even remember what food they liked, what we would do on the weekends, how they also loved me. I feel like I'm just discarding them for something new, that's better than them."
You ate some of the leftover fries from the bag, before you sighed. "I don't know, I just feel like I could do better and yet, I'm not."
Mark was also silent for a moment, but he quickly realized he would have to say something.
"I know that I won't understand what you're going through, and that you are in a completely different situation to me. But it's ok to love someone else. They would want you to be happy. They wouldn't want you to be so sad about their death that you couldn't live your life without them, right?"
"It's not that you're forgetting them, or even that you're moving on. You're obviously still upset about what happened. I mean, we're still talking about almost 8 months after it happened, and that's ok. It's just that you think that just because you're moving on also means that you have to forget about them, or that you have to get rid of them. They can still exist in your memory, and you can still remember them in ways that won't make you feel down."
You both sat in silence for a while, not knowing how to continue. It wasn't awkward silence, but rather a simple, pleasant silence, one that was very much needed after your talk. It was... comforting.
Suddenly, Mark's phone rang and he pulled out, shutting off an alarm he put on. "It's 8:45. We should head back now."
You both put your trash inside of the bag, before he took it from you and flew into the air. You gave him a look.
"You're not just gonna throw that somewhere random, right?"
he smiled, before he suddenly disappeared and reappeared within half a minute, this time without the bag. "I threw it in a nearby garbage can, that happened to be 2 and half miles away."
He offered you his hand, "Well, let's make sure that we get home right on time. Dad won't be too mad, but Mom will throw me off the roof if we're a second late."
instead of using experiences w my dad, I'm actually using experiences w my mom to help with writing. this was strange to write, not only because I feel it has a lot more dialogue than normal, but I'm also very happy with it. I hope I can write like this in the future more.
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arieswritez · 8 months
What do you think about Nolan? 😳
i think!!!!!
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afab! reader; yandere nolan would baby trap you :)
cw; stealthing, baby trapping, breeding kink, yandere!nolan
if you menstruate, he'd innocently ask when your next period is. just to be prepared ofc! <3 and he is! always bringing you pads and treats you might be craving. going as far as to fly to other countries to get goodies in the most authentic way possible! lays in bed with you and cuddles his warm body against yours when you're having cramps or when you're just feeling sluggish and beat!
but . . unbeknownst to you: now he knows when you ovulate <3
and despite you climbing him like a tree, you always make sure to have protection. it's too risky without it. but that's nothing nolan can't work with <3 you act as if you're in heat: presenting yourself to him with your back arched and your hands on your pretty little cunt, spreading yourself open . . as if you needed to entice him anymore. when he places his hands on your feverish skin and adjusts you, the condom has already been slipped off of his cock and you're way too horny to notice teehee <3
gn!reader or amab!reader:
cw; power imbalance, inappropriate relationships, manipulation, blackmail, non-con, cheating (srry debbie ily), faux-incest, daddy kink
yandere!nolan would pretend to be your mentor :) you're a young, aspiring hero and you can't believe omni-man believes in you enough to take you under his wing!! the respect you have for him is immense and you like that he doesn't hold back. often, you're left with so many bruises on your body from training you can't tell which are accidental - from scuffs or bad landings - or which are from the amount of times he's pummeled you.
you're not cowed by his violence. you know he means well. so you start to use your injuries a point of reference for how far you've come. someday, you tell yourself, you'll remember this day and know these were all worth it. so you make it a habit to stare at the bruises in the mirror: whenever you catch sight of them in the showers / locker room of the guardians of the globe training facility.
luckily for nolan, you're not as observant as you should be. but he can fix that. he'll make sure you're as aware of your surroundings as he is when he's done with you.
because any other hero, any good hero, would be able to tell when they're not alone. a good hero would be able to spot nolan peeking around the corner as you stare at your battered body, his cock in hand :)
nolan's a patient man.
he can wait until he's earned your trust enough to confide in him. and predictably, you do. the two of you have a conversation in which you spill the reason why you want to become a hero in the first place. your parents weren't good people. a tale as old as time. in and out of jail for as long as you remember and you'd never had a good role model in your life until nolan.
and with those beautiful, innocent eyes, you look at him and confess he's like a dad to you.
nolan doesn't think he'll ever tire coming to the memory.
and he'll never let you live it down. no, no, no. how could he?
he hyperfixates on the thought and begins to overstep. acting less like a mentor and more like a controlling father. innocent things at first. no, you can't go out with your friends. we have training, remember?
and no, you don't remember. you specifically told him you wouldn't be free. but he won't hear it. says it's an emergency. that being a good hero sometimes means sacrificing personal time.
then, when you begin to show romantic interest in someone, love is a distraction. you're young. don't waste your time.
and when you've had enough of his intrusive behavior, behavior you have no choice but to call him out on. . nervously, but you do it nonetheless, he sends you a simple message that makes you crawl back to him.
do you want this or not?
you do.
more than anything.
so you agree to go to his house and talk. you sit with him and accept the beer he gives you. and at first, he's apologetic. but the more he drinks, the more the facade slips. he scoots closer towards you on the couch, lays his hand on your thigh, and tells you that he just wants to keep you safe. wants to make sure you're the best of the best but you have to trust him. and all you do is freeze and stare, only coming to your senses when he begins to lean in. with a racing heart, you try to turn away from the smell of beer on his breath, pushing at his chest, saying it's late. you should go. you should really go. but all nolan does is grab you by the wrists and demand you look at him.
he's like a dad to you, remember? it's what you said. you're supposed to listen to him. you're supposed to obey and do what he says. nolan knows what's best for you, why can't you see that? and if you want him to keep guiding you, protecting you, if you don't want him to abandon you like your good for nothing parents did, you'll do this for him.
so you get on your knees and watch as he unbuckles his belt in a hurry. you allow him to grab you by the nape of the neck and force your face down to swallow his cock. your nose nuzzles against his pubic bone: forced against neatly trimmed, greying pubes as you gag whenever his hips fervently move.
but don't worry, as your mentor, he'll make sure you learn how to swallow a cock properly <3
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angelyuji · 3 months
violent short-tempered yandere type characters
i cant remember where i got this idea. either i saw it on a show or it came to me in a dream.... alsooo im mostly basing this off of rick sanchez cuz im insane and i love my men crazy, smart, and old. im also addicted to rick and morty rn and im praying the next season comes out soon..... anyway
tw // murder, kidnapping, yandere stuff, treating someone like an object/pet (i cant remember the word for it)
they're busy people. they dont have time to date you or stalk u for long periods of time. they’re impatient and short-tempered and generally assholes. they literally saw you once and thought u were the cutest thing ever.
they watched, angrily, as your partner’s hand squeezes your butt. they watched as you giggled, lightly pushing your partner. they knew in one glance that you shouldn't be with your asshole partner. you deserved better. someone smarter, kinder, stronger like themselves. their fists clenched as they pushed past everyone in the way, seeing red. no one is allowed to touch you like that except for them. no one should be able to feel your warmth and see your smile except for them. they finally get close to the two of you and in one quick movement, your partner’s brains had splattered onto the pavement. your scream filled their ears and a sense of peace filled them. they grabbed your arm and the two of you disappeared from view.
you dont even have to meet them. one quick glance from you is all they need. they kill anyone in their path. anyone that poses a threat to you. anyone that even thinks about taking you away from them.
theyre mean to you, but all they want is to keep you safe. to hold you. to keep your love to themselves. they’re so easily jealous.
(like how rick cares abt his family, but he’s still an absolute asshole to them) (rick brainrot guys i need the old fuck NEOW) (i think i just love fictional older men who have committed heinous crimes…) (anyway)
the only time they’d be kind to u is if they feel like you’re pulling away or thinking of escaping. its a lot of hot and cold. you would constantly annoy them. to them, you should be seen, not heard. there when they need comfort, but you need to fuck off otherwise. you’re quite literally their pet. they keep you to entertain them.
definitely: homelander, omni-man, sukana, william afton, ooc rick sanchez
maybe: canon rick sanchez, ooc captain america
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spooklies · 10 months
# Invincible - Platonic Yandere Mark Grayson (PROFILE)
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Type of Yandere: Mark as a platonic yandere would be clingy and overprotective over his sibling. You wanted to go hang out with some friends? Fine, but only if he could tag along. You insist he doesn't come? Then expect a pair of eyes watching you at all times. He'll need to know where you're at, what you're doing, and who you're with. If he doesn't approve of your friend(s) then he'll insist you cut them off. And if you don't? Then your friends will be forced to distance themselves from you after a “talk” with your brother.
Love Language: As a brother, Mark's love language would consist of hugs, ruffling of your hair, and quality time spent with each other. Your his favorite person in the whole world, so he'll want to spend as much time with you as possible!
Their Biggest Fear: Much like the other yandere profile I did for Mark his biggest fear when it came to you would be losing you completely. But the difference here would be losing you because of something he did or failed to prevent. He wouldn't go out of his way to harm you but he may set something up (like a traumatic catastrophic event) to prove to you why you need to keep him close by at all times.
Kidnapping: He wouldn't need to. If you were born into the family then there'd be no point in kidnapping. But if this was a found family situation then he would with some help from the other Grayson's no doubt since they’re also obsessed with you. But again much like the other yandere profile I did for Mark, he wouldn't see it as kidnapping. Just something he had to do out of necessity.
How Easy is it to Escape?: Impossible. Platonic yandere Mark would know your whereabouts at all times which means he's keeping tabs on everything. Who you're talking to, your favorite places to go to, and even information on your friends.
Punishment(s): Mark wouldn't be against locking you in your room no matter how old you were. If you were simply misbehaving and speaking out then he'd be the one to take your phone away, and if things continued to escalate then he'd ban you from seeing your friends and basically keep you isolated until you've apologized and learned what you did wrong.
Difference to Other Yanderes: Mark not only has his overpowered abilities but an even stronger father to help keep you in line if his tactics somehow didn't work. Mark is just a piece of the puzzle with the other Grayson's making the entire picture.
Additional Notes: As an older brother, Mark would take on that paternal vibe with how overprotective he'd get. As a younger brother he'd be overbearing (not to say he isn't if he were older just more so). Platonic Yandere Mark wouldn't want to hurt his younger sibling and if he ever did then he'd do everything he can to make up for it.
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happybunny999 · 2 months
Invincible characters react to a naive, humble,gentle black adult madoka reader in her god form and her abilities 
(The reader is madoka 18 years old and watches over the invincible multiverse and has awareness of everything thing and everyone in the entire multiverse and every version of mark Grayson and everyone else from both the show and the comics and has been seeing everything that has been going on everywhere in the multiverse and has accidentally landed on earth and chooses to save every one on prime earth as well as still watch other the other worlds too) (the reader is not using her full power at all but only a fraction of it)
Mark Grayson: would be surprised and shock at first by your god form and by your abilities and infinite raw power and the command/ control you have over the universe/multiverse and would actually have a crush on you because of how pretty you are and will be grateful for your help with fight his father and evil versions of himself as well as saving him Anissa and conquest too
Nolen Grayson: Is shock by your god form when you first saw you and how much you know about him, his family, and that you also know about his plans and the Viltrum empire He seriously considers you as a threat and won’t lie you are very beautiful but he can’t let you destroy his plans and after you save mark from him and show kindness without fighting he leaves earth thinking of how much of an angel you are
Thragg: doesn’t care for your kindness and is confused about why you don’t use your full power but is pleased at how you only use a mere fraction of your power to stop your enemies and that nothing proves a threat to you at all and would thank you for your help with bring back his people who were killed by the virus
Anissa: thought nothing of you at first and try’s to hide how surprised she is about how strong and powerful you are and that when she try’s to fight you to test you easily overwhelmed her with your immense strength and mad that you held back and not using your full strength
Angstrom levy: would worship you as a divine being and would be grateful for your help to fix him and his mistakes and gave him redemption for everything he has done and brought his clones back to life and gave them a good life
Atom eve: didn’t like you at all at first because of how beautiful you are and that you could steal mark away if you could and never full understanding about how naive you are and how you help people even villains and monsters with their problems and that your not even using your full power at all and is also jealous that you come from a good place and thinks that you did wasted it on a wise
Allen the alien: unlike everyone else he was not surprised by your form in fact he adores it and how humble and gentle you are and that you don’t want to hurt anyone
Ceil stedman: will consider you a huge threat and will send spy’s to monitor you and keep an eye on you just in case while you are aware of this and allow it
The Viltrum empire: heard about you and would try to capture you and make you join them because the are the one who keeps stopping them from conquering other planets but will be grateful for your help in bring back their people from death after the massacre
The evil marks: thought nothing of you and thought you were weak to fight them but they soon realized that you are quite powerful and resurrect the ones who had died or turned into a reamiman(sorry if I spelled it wrong) and brought them back to their world’s
Sinister mark: before he could turn insane he thought you are hot and you saved him and the other marks from killing each other in the desert dimension after they were sent there by angstrom levy
Mohawk Mark:would also find you as as beautiful and hot much better then atom eve in every way possible and would thank you for saving him from his death by robot and will be forever thankful to you
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xjulixred45x · 5 months
Can I request a like one shot of yandere evil invincible with gn younger sibling reader
Yandere! Evil! Mark Grayson/Invincible x Little Sibiling! Reader
Genre: Headcanons
Reader: gender neutral
OKEY, Taking as a reference what we saw of the majority of evil Marks in the Invincible War arc, it is most likely that sibiling reader does not have much age difference with Mark.
maybe 5 years or 6 at most.
If we go for a more similar evil Mark to the normal/Mohak Mark, then probably the relationship between these two wouldn't be so bad...at first.
let me explain myself.
It is left to be understood that for the alternate Marks to become evil they must have had a more unstable childhood than the main Mark had. which made them more perverse.
that would probably also affect his relationship with his little sibiling.
Let's say the Evil Mark we use in this situation is the Sinister Mark.
He not only grew up with an Omni Man who did not care for humanity, but also murdered his and sibiling reader mother.
causing quite severe trauma on him and to sibiling reader. It's just that they brought it out in different ways.
Sinister Mark probably even if he was considerably more evil than his other counterparts, this trauma was probably what generated his protective instinct towards his younger sibiling, being in a way his only source of sincere affection(whatever if he wants to admit it or not).
and we could say that he justified these thoughts with the fact that since they were both Viltrumites, his sibiling was the only one who deserved his protection, his love.
and at the same time he has a certain sense of entitlement to his sibiling's love, because after all he only wants "the best for them" when conquering the earth, the fact that they doesn't understand it is something else.
Sinister Mark learned to see his Sibiling as a small, weak being who doesn't know what they doing and needs his guidance. so to speak.
And so they both grew, they are the trauma that made one crazy and the other could have been turned into someone considerably more reserved.
since of course, sibiling reader was smaller, weaker, easier to defeat when fighting against their father.
Although I think that sibiling reader definitely awakened their powers before Mark, to the astonishment and even displeasure of the aforementioned.
Yes, it has its positive side. Now that they has powers so young they could be stronger and they could even be on the same level, they could rule the earth together without problems.
but it would also mean that sibiling reader wouldn't be as dependent on Mark as he would have been before he had his powers. Before that, reader would ask Mark for help with various things, whether it be giving them a ride, lifting something heavy, getting rid of someone, etc.
or even they will no longer need his protections, his angle rock in their relationship.
Now Sibiling reader has a new independence that Mark doesn't like.
but at the same time he can use the situation to his advantage so that brother reader has the same way of thinking as him.
We could say that it is from here that the obsession begins.
Of course, Sinister Mark is a horrible person from the beginning, but as I said, he and the reader had, as far as possible, a "good" relationship where although there was a HUGE power imbalance, Mark acted as their "protector" when he felt that It was his "duty"
as if it were an imitation of a normal relationship between siblings.
but most importantly, we could say that before the reader got their powers, Mark let them have more independence (somehow).
since the reader really couldn't do anything against Mark or his father at that moment after all.
but with reader having powers, it changes everything.
Sinister Mark, despite everything, is willing to teach the reader the bases of their powers, but he also never misses the opportunity to scare them with all the enemies they will have to face if they decides to use them.
I don't think this Mark is above orchestrating incidents in which the reader ends up in a bad situation (get the shit kicked out of them) and he comes to the "rescue."
It's like something similar to Mother Gothel but without magical hair, just obsession.
Also this Mark is great at making reader think that they are less capable than they really are, just because he has the advantage of being stronger and older.
If the reader wants to go somewhere on their own, Mark will be frantically telling them about all the villains in that area, about how they have no training, about how naive they are, that the world will beat them up and spit them out alive, etc.
He infantilizes/idiotizes them, basically.
This way it makes 1- reader see him in a positive light (no, he's not a good influence honey, stay away from him--) and 2- reader becomes afraid of going out or interacting with the outside world.
In that case Mark showers them with love and can even be nice, it's like being normal human sibilings to a certain point when he's not, well, conquering the earth.
Probably he and the reader have the same taste for comics, so he lends them his to entertain themself. Not to mention the ancestral custom of siblings giving them his old toys.
He's also VERY prankster, the kind of prankster who appears out of nowhere to scare you and then laugh in your face. That's Sinister Mark.
It makes him more funny if the reader throws something at him or even hits him. He says it's like hitting him with a pillow.
but it's definitely not a good idea to make him angry. in the least.
This is a completely deranged Mark, so if the reader tries, for example, to go with the other side (e.g. Anstrong), Mark would not only go after the people the reader ran away with, but reader would also have repercussions.
Using the above as a reference, if Mark found the reader with Anstrong and his son, he would kill them both in front of the reader, forcing them to watch, letting them know that THEY caused this.
I think he could also physically incapacitate the reader so that he does not escape if he is not cooperative, either by chaining them, putting a crawler on them (although he has probably already done this), or even breaking an arm or a leg, at least he has the decency to take care of them, but it will definitely be rough if they act rudely.
He becomes a bully, in a nutshell.
I think that the only way in which the reader can have all kinds of freedoms is if they wanted to be Invincible's sidekick, that changes the game a lot.
since of course! They would do it because 1- they have a similar ideology and 2- they would spend a lot of time with Mark
Mark would take it as a compliment, a bust to his ego, so he would happily accept his little sibilings as his sidekick.
I think that in this case the reader would be more similar to The Collector from TOH, that is, a super powerful child who would not really understand the concept of mortality since they are super invulmerable.
Maybe even if this reader doesn't really kill as much as their brother, they does like to keep humans under their "command" as servants or to do their things.
even "playmates" that if they break, they'll simply replace them.
This reader would definitely be a spoiled child, not only because he is practically a Mark 2.0, but because even if he is sadistic and brutal, he still acts like a little child.
You can bribe them with comics or food.
calls you silly names when they doesn't like you.
plays with toys.
They hides behind their older brother when things scare them or get out of control.
but all in a corrupted and dark version.
and Mark couldn't be happier in this case, his little sibiling came to their senses! They finally understand their purpose and duty to Viltrum, Mark would be overjoyed.
is probably the biggest cause of this reader's spoiled personality, precisely because by already having the mentality that this Mark wanted, he gives him everything they wants, and it really doesn't bother him that the reader is rude or homicidal to others, it amuses him. .
It makes his Yandere tendencies go unnoticed most of the time, if Mark finds out that someone from the empire is plotting against him using his sibiling, it's an insta kill (this in all cases).
We could even say that his yandere side is considerably reduced in this scenario, after all his little sibiling can kill anyone who gets into their relationship or if he asks them to.
They end up having a similar dynamic to Android 17 and Android 18, but with the ages reversed, Mark is the much more chaotic and homicidal older brother and Reader is the more calculating brother who worries about more superficial things.
and they would love to create bonds by destroying entire cities :)
They could even be at the same power level, which would give Mark a bittersweet feeling because on the one hand his sibiling is super happy to be able to be around him (which is even cute) but he misses the old days of when they was the little one-weakling who expected him to take care of them.
They still have some codependency.
God forbid the reader dies or successfully escapes, Mark would go CRAZY with sadness and rage for allowing this to happen.
Perhaps even, during the events of Invincible War, he was willing to take the reader from another dimension, some other Evil Mark, or the good Mark himself, just to replace the original he lost.
Either way, he's screwed without a reader.
Overall, I would say that depending on the scenario you choose and the advantages you have, having this type of brother and YANDERE can be a bloody walk in the park or your worst nightmare. you choose.
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Shares, reblogs and comments are very welcome!
Publishing slowly, but in My way!
The Evil Marks are SUPER interesting, maybe i will do a Drabble about one of the Invincible War.
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cielles-random-vault · 10 months
once i get to find the motivation to finish working on my fnaf fics reqs which invincible fic do you want to see first
i promise the yandere one isnt as bad as it sounds 😭 all credits to @futuristictyphoondaze btw 🦦
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reareaotaku · 2 years
Yandere! Mark Grayson [Invincible] Headcanons
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When he first met you, his eyes lit up
"Who's that fine babe?"
You get introduced through friends
You notice his mature life view and find it quite admirable
He'll challenge you and say if he wins you have to go on a date with him
The thing is that it's rigged and you're not going to win, though he'll let you win, because it makes you happy
He'll protect you against his father, when his father was going on the rampage
You're notably brave to when you stood up to his father, protecting Mark's location when Nolan tried forcing you out of you, though that scared Mark, because what if his father killed you?
He's very kind and loves giving you cute little gifts
He gets extremely jealous and insecure, especially when it's a good looking man trying to hit you up
Though when he sees you uncomfortable, his protective side comes out and he's quick to your side
He loves being around you and would disobey his father just to go see you
"The day she dies, is the day a part of me dies"
When he's Invincible, he stalks you even though he knows it's wrong, but he knows heroes aren't good
He has some of your clothes in his room, hidden, cause he doesn't want his mother or father to find it
He complains to you about his father and accidentally revealed that his father was Omni-Man
When he knocks you up, he's there for you 24/7
He cuddles you and watches over you
He puts you way before himself
He becomes even more over protective over you and doesn't really want you leaving your room
You are the most precious thing to him and he couldn't bear losing you
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Yandere! Mark Grayson Headcanons
When I get my account back (Reareaotaku) and all my other secondary blogs on that account (If I do get it back, as I'm hoping), I'm saving everything to Google Docs. God and I have to build my fanbase back up 😭😭😭
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He's super overprotective of you
When he first met you, thanks to Will, he was entranced
He's not the sharpest tool in the shed, but he makes it up with his kindness and bravery
He practically worships you and follows you like a lost puppy where ever you go
He would prefer if his father didn't know about you, in fear of him hurting you
He gets jealous pretty easily
And when he does, he pretty obvious abt it and makes passive aggressive comments and jokes
He doesn't want to physical hurt someone, BUT if he had to, he would
He likes to watch scary movies with you and have you yelp/scream, come into his arms, covering your eyes, and even hide your face in his chest
He loves how close you get to him
God and then the s3x scenes
They're always so intimate and he can't help the way he feels in such scenes
He's so glad his parents are gone and he's in his room
You'll wake up the next morning, nearly naked with a hard chest as your pillow
You'll look around and realize this is not your room and look to see Mark softly snoring next to you
You'll scream, quickly waking him and putting him on alert
"Are you okay??"
"What happened?"
"We had s3x"
He wants to keep you in his arms forever
He just can't stand to lose you
He'd give up immortality just to grow old with you
His father sees you as an obstacle to his son's progress
Though Mark would die protecting you, he just loves you so much
And if you ever EVER try to leave him, he'll nearly kill you, not even realizing it, until you're dependent on him
Might even baby trap you
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knullanon · 2 years
Invicible, a viltrumite (they/she) escaped the planet during their massacre, leaving for a similar yet faraway planet earth. Although they didn’t care for earth politics or war, they would try to save lives when they could. Refusing the to work with any agency or the guardians of the globe, they were fine until Omniman showed up.
this one is more dialougue, but I'm still happy with it!
warnings: none!
words: 588
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"Who the hell are you?"
"I should be asking you the same." Omniman didn't realize that there was another Viltrumite on the planet, besides Mark and himself. You were still wearing the uniform that you had escaped in, either too tired or unbothered to care about newer clothes.
"I don't care. Why are you here?" You stood your ground, probably not knowing if he wanted to hurt you. Understandable.
"My name is Nolan. Nolan Grayson. I'm a... hero from the Guardians of the Globe." He realized that telling you he was also a Viltrumite wasn't a good idea.
"I can tell. Why are you here?" His introduction didn't phase you, since you were probably met by a dozen other heroes in the months before.
"Straight to the point? I'm here to figure out who you are and if you want to hurt people."
You rolled your eyes, clearly annoyed with his visit. Your little hideout was in the mountains, a little cave system that was abandoned a few decades ago due to the dangers of climbing up to it, and he did have to admit, it was a nice cozy place to sit and look around.
"My name is _____, and I don't hurt people. If you knew anything, you would know that I help people-"
"When you need to?"
"-when I can." You raised your voice, getting angrier and angrier every time he interrupted.
"What else are you doing out here that needs your help?"
You turned to face him fully, your body preparing to lunge. "What the hell do you want?"
He raised his hands, realizing that this wasn't going the way he wanted. "I know that you declined to join any hero agencies. Was just wondering why."
"I don't like being bossed around, nor do I want to sign a contract that makes me tied to any of them."
He shrugged, "I know how that feels." You raised your eyebrow. "I'm serious. Look, I know I came off a little harsh, but I truly don't remember any other Viltrumites going to Earth."
Your interest immediately picked up from there. "You're also a Viltrumite?"
He raised his arms outwards, "It's why they sent me last."
"How did you get here?" You were obviously suspicious, and Nolan had an idea.
"I escaped after the... massacre. I fled here, and so far, no one's found me." He tilted his head, "You aren't here for me, are you?"
Your body relaxed, obviously feeling safer than before hand. "No, god no. I... also escaped."
Nolan was about to respond, when a ping came from his little headset they gave him.
Nolan, there's a giant monster destroying downtown Houston.
He sighed, wanting to talk to you a little more. He pulled out a note, and wrote his number on it. "I know you don't exactly trust me, but I want to explain myself a little more."
He handed you the card, and while you were hesitant, you walked over and grabbed it. You read it, and realized what it was.
"I'm not exactly free at the moment, but when you have time..."
Nolan, the monster is still there.
"... give me a call. Or text, doesn't really matter."
He turned around, before he shot off into the sky, answering Cecil's call.
"I'm on it, flying there now."
"What were you doing?"
Nolan turned back around, and even in the atmosphere he could see you, looking over the card, and thinking about your choice.
"Figuring things out with someone. ETA is 5 minutes."
thank you for being so patient with me! I love you guys! ヾ( ̄▽ ̄)
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random118x · 3 years
I’m in Invincible?
Holly was just your average 18 year old that had big dreams to go to college but that was until she died! Now Holly is Clara and she has isekai to one of her favourite shows called Invincible as the younger sister of Mark Grayson! The problem is she’s not 18 but now 10 and she must try and stop the events of her new dad Nolan from destroying everything.
I’ll be posting on ao3 only, just thought I’d put the first chapter here so you guys can know about it!
Fanfic is going to be ooc and writing may be a bit shit as dyslexic. Also, new characters will be introduced and may not follow the original show
Plus may put some yandere family dynamics but no incest etc. Yandere family dynamics is mostly, the fam being over protective.
(I used tags such as mark grayson x reader and nolan grayson x reader as to put this fic out there, IT HAS NO INCEST FYI)
Story is on ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/31709911/chapters/78481267
Chapter one
So I died.
I got hit by a truck and isakai to the show Invincible and boy or boy I was not expecting that. I mean who would, you died and boom you’re in a show you watched before you died?
Anyways my name is Holly and I am 18 years old but that was the old me. The new me is called Clara Grayson and bloody hell I am 10 years old. Now that last name Grayson may ring a bell and you see I am the younger sister of Mark Grayson.
Yep you heard me, Mark Grayson! To be honest I wanted to punch myself, yes it might sound exciting to be in your favourite show but it really isn’t. I watched all season one of Invincible and we all know what Nolan (Omni man) does.
I didn’t know what to do because in the events I am now in, Mark has got his powers but no one has died yet so I still got time to change things. I need to make Nolan my dad change his ways.
It’s going to be hard as I am now 10 and unfortunately I haven’t got any powers. I am now just your average 10 year old that hasn’t got any powers or super strength etc.
I need to start doing my investigation right away and see what everyone is up too.
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weebsinstash · 3 years
*sigh* I drink my "horny for evil bastards" juice every morning and I've been thinking about yandere Nolan Grayson x a Reader who doesn't know they've got Viltrumite heritage and recently got their powers but is in total denial of everything
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--the two of you meet by total chance. He's out patrolling or having a fly in-costume as Omni-Man when you happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time when there's some sort of catastrophic emergency, like some giant monster attack or a supervillain. You're about to be hit by a car or attacked by a weapon or have a falling piece of debris totally crush you when... you're totally fine! Whatever weapon or rock or car rammed into you bends like tin foil or crumbles or- you get the point.
--he's honestly a little surprised to see it, and strangely enough, so are you! You look super freaked out and run off before the superhero can get to you, having to take care of the disaster first before he'd be able to talk to you, and by that point, you're gone
--it could just be you have some sort of power, but Nolan can't help but wonder... have any other Viltrumites come to Earth before? If so, are they still here? How many? Were you a child of one of his kind? It's all speculative, but... he's curious, and for some reason, it's more about you personally more than the possibility of your family tree.
--your family member from Viltrum is either one of your parents or grandparents, which is a recent enough lineage that you're in the same "almost pure-blooded" category as Nolan's own half-human son, which is both good and bad news for you. Good news is, you've reached some sort of alien puberty and now have powers! The bad news is you think they're just your own superpowers and not indicative of any inhuman heritage, since you're completely unaware of your family member's history. Also, now you have a... not so emotionally-stable super-powered alien who is keen on becoming your new mentor, which is, definitely, the worst part
--hell, maybe your alien kin is dead or even back on Viltrum, leaving you all the more ignorant of, what Nolan sees as, a greater purpose for you, a greatly missed opportunity of untapped potential, and a missed connection to your culture. He immediately feels the urge to tutor you as a young Viltrumite, perhaps even be some sort of companion, but when he finally finds you and tells you about your family, about Viltrum, you just... don't believe him. You don't doubt the planet's existence, just that your family has no connection! No one else in your family has powers, your family isn't some--some---
-- you're just kind of in shock and basically tell the superhero to leave you alone, to go away and not come back, but Nolan doesn't want to take no for an answer, not until he gets a summons from Cecil to handle another crisis, anyways. The Viltrumite sternly tells you, no, promises that "the two of us are going to sit down and have a talk about this later" before reluctantly flying off
--he's determined to show you how your life as a human was all fake bullshit that never mattered, and now that you're a Viltrumite, there's so much more for you out there! Other planets, worlds never before seen, and you can meet other people of your race, learn more about your interstellar cultural heritage! But you reject it because... he's basically telling you everything you've ever known and loved is pointless and that he knows what's best for you, he can show you how to really live your life. It kind of feels like some creepy mix between overbearing father and abusive boyfriend
--so, if you're going to be so stubborn and deny your heritage, Nolan will prove to you you're a Viltrumite, and he will get you to abandon this wasteful human existence you're wasting all this time and energy on
--you thought you were safe and alone when he suddenly corners you alone in your own home, dragging you kicking and screaming into the kitchen. He tells you to fight him if you don't want to get hurt, but you're nonviolent by nature, and you can't just beat on one of the worlds most famous protectors!
But he doesn't give you that choice. He's dragging you into the kitchen, over to the sink, turning on your garbage disposal, forcing your hand closer and closer and closer as you SCREAM
and your garbage disposal bends and busts like its made of plastic. You pull out your hand completely unharmed as you cry and sob because what the fuck, what the fuck did you just do, why the hell did you do that, why--
--You're unharmed... physically. Mentally and emotionally, not so much. But don't worry! Nolan is completely dedicated to providing you comfort, giving you one of his fatherly hugs as he tells you about all the nice things he's going to show you over the next few hundred years that will make you forget all about this stupid planet and everything on it. You've got him now, and he can be everything you need
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wozw4ld · 3 years
Yandere!Omni Man x Reader
Trigger warnings: Death, murder, death threats, manipulation
Short bc it is 2 am
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Nolan never really liked getting his hands dirty for no reason, it was his least favorite thing to do in fact, he only did it when truly necessary, wether It'd be for serving his home planet or to teach other planets a lesson to not try and conquer earth-- But, coming to think of it actually, it was SOMEWHAT necessary... You could possibly debate about such a thing, but in his eyes, he was right and kept his mind settled in such act as a righteous one--
All that he needed to do now was take care of the puddle of guts and blood one of your too-close-for-his-liking-friends had become, the question was--How?-- the way he absolutely obliterated your friend not only made a huge mess to clean, but actually too messy to clean up, and it could be definitely be told as murder and not some weird incident that happened, he was going to need to think of a plan, a story, soon enough, and cleaning, of course--
And cleaning he did
The next morning, Nolan woke up with you not by his side, which immediately made him, jump up, and look around, realizing that you also weren't in your room, immediately, his mind filled with negative thoughts as he wondered slightly what could possibly be happening to you, what if you went to the 'store and got kidnapped? What if you were robbed? Were you with another friend, which friend? What if someone found out and told you--'He immediately jumped out of bed and started gliding slightly downstairs, his mind still lost in thought, as he realized a small slumped sobbing figure in his couch, it was you! He sighed in relief before he approached you, finally setting his foot on the floor abd walking up to you probably, his eyes filled with pity and sorrow for your current sad state as he sat down your side, only giving them a small distance--
"Y/N, wh-"
You immediately jumped into his chest and clung onto him, causing him to flush slightly and hug you back, rubbing your back soothingly, as he shushed you and gave you small pecks on the head, mumbling reassuring words to bring your small broken world comfort, he wondered what you would be without him-- How there's alternate universes where you two hadn't even crossed paths with them, and how unlucky they were for not having someone such as you--My brain went back and focused on their weak figure once more, i felt somewhat guilty for them
"What's the matter, Y/N? Are you alright...?"
"They... Killed them m-my b-best friend"
Suddenly he no longer felt gulity
And i smiled to myself internally
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angelyuji · 3 years
yandere imagines, blurbs, and fanfics❅
for non-yandere imagines: go here!
DISCLAIMER: Please Read Tags Before Reading Imagines! This is yandere content, meaning that these imagines are fictional stories about toxic and abusive relationships. These are fictional characters. I DO NOT support or believe that toxic relationships should be romantized in real life. 
blurbs are marked with *
Gravity Falls:
Stan Pines:
mr. pines (18+)
ghost stan (18+)
Ford Pines:
researcher!ford & fiddleford x assistant!reader
pathetic + mean ford (18+)
violent yanderes
Rick and Morty:
Rick Sanchez:
violent yanderes
yandere headcanons
William Afton:
lost keys (18+)
violent yanderes
The Boys:
The Deep:
yandere thoughts basically
being ryan's non-supe kinda-mom
violent yanderes
Diana Prince:
yandere headcanons
Clark Kent:
yandere headcanons
Bruce Wayne:
yandere headcanons
Jaime Reyes:
yandere + nonyandere headcanons
tw dubcon imagine
Adrian Chase:
yandere vig thoughts
other thoughts
Sara Lance:
yandere headcanons (+ Rip)
Rip Hunter:
yandere headcanons (+ Sara)
Wade Wilson:
Peter Parker:
dates and rejection with peter
photographer peter
reader with a diary*
reader with other friends*
reader with magic book*
peeping peter
tasm yandere headcanons
reader with amnesia
yandere peter w/ fragile darling
stepcest (18+)
soulmate loki
first date (+ nanami, mammon, 707, arvin, peter m)
yandere headcanons
Bruce Banner:
living with bruce
Tony Stark:
sugar daddy stark (+ gojo)
Helmut Zemo:
sugar daddy zemo
Peter Maximoff:
first date (+ nanami, loki, mammon, 707, arvin)
Matthew Murdock:
yandere matt x reader
yandere headcanons
Steve Rogers:
yandere headcanons
yan!pre-serum headcanons
yandere headcanons
Miles Morales:
(new version) yandere headcanons (plus gwen, hobie, peter b, pavitr, miguel)
yandere headcanons
yandere miles w/ werewolf darling 
yandere miles w/ assertive darling
Peter B Parker:
yandere headcanons (plus gwen, hobie, miles, pavitr, miguel)
Miguel O'hara
yandere headcanons (plus gwen, hobie, miles, pavitr, peter b)
the fanged man
the fanged man pt 2
professor o'hara headcanons
yandere headcanons (plus peter b, hobie, miles, pavitr, miguel)
Hobie Brown:
yandere headcanons (plus gwen, peter b, miles, pavitr, miguel)
Pavitr Prabhakar:
yandere headcanons (plus gwen, hobie, miles, peter b, miguel)
Jujutsu Kaisen:
making a shrine ft. sakuna
sugar daddy gojo (+ tony stark)
first date (+ mammon, loki, 707, arvin, peter m)
Ouran High School Host Club -
Tamaki Suoh:
Yandere Tamaki Headcanons
My Hero Academia
stalker shiggy
Obey Me!
first date (+ nanami, loki, 707, arvin, peter m)
yandere headcanons
The Devil All The Time
Arvin Russel:
first date (+ nanami, loki, mammon, 707, peter m)
Lee Bodecker:
his little girl
Mystic Messenger
first date (+ nanami, loki, mammon, peter m, arvin)
yandere headcanons 
knight in shining armor 
for you
Types of Yandere
BAU when their darling is unreachable
yandere BAU w/ busy darling
Spencer Reid:
Yandere Spencer Reid w/ an innocent darling
I love you so so much
spencer reid w/ single parent
The Book
spencer reid punishes you
He loves me
post-prison reid w/ an innocent darling
spencer reid with a distant darling
Aaron Hotchner:
Yandere Hotch w/ an innocent darling
Yandere Hotch w/ a darling that’s in a relationship
Yandere Hotch w/ a pregnant darling
unsub reader
The Sandman:
Dream of the Endless:
born to die
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knullanon · 2 months
Can I request a maybe part 2 to the Nolan Grayson; gremlin villain reader? Where readers powers were working on a subconscious level to heal them but after enough punishments reader down to their core believes that death is the best alternative and their powers ‘turn off’. I wanna see the reaction of the family after a harsh punishment and reader just. not healing.
Listen I love angst and you’re more than welcome to ignore this but I think it would be so interesting
(Nonbinary reader pls as well)
I don't think I'm very good at angst but here u go pls enjoy and I'm sorry if it's shit🙏👍
tw: death, heavy gore mentioned, like a lot, reader is dying so they're not really there, angst, you die (!) so there's that, Nolan is kind of a dick, sad ending
It hadn't been very long since you were left there. You could tell because almost nothing in your body healed yet. Most of, if not all of your bones had been broken, fractured or missing and you could barely feel any of your limbs.
The only thing you could feel was your hands. Often times, on your missions you needed to fight or use your hands, and so you made it a habit to heal your hands before the rest of your body. Of course, this was before you were kidnapped.
They weren't totally healed: you still had a few fingernails missing, your left pinky was crooked, and your palms didn't have any skin. But compared to the rest of your body, they were the most intact.
You tried to move your legs but they were shredded. In fact, only your right leg was there, as the other had been ripped off. What was left of the right leg was just a hunk of meat: Nolan had ripped out your femur since you decided to run away. They were slowly growing back, you could feel them there, but it was a slow proccess.
As soon as you could feel some sensation in your neck, you turned your head, looking around to see if there was anything you had missed in the basement. There was the chair, a few empty boxes, and a mirror.
There wasn't a mirror there before. You struggled to get onto your forearms, ignoring the crunching noises of your bones as you dragged yourself to the wall. When you tried to push yourself up, you fell back down, as you remembered your spine didn't completly heal.
You waited a few moments, and focused all of your energy on your back. You counted the beat to your favorite songs, one of the best ways for you to heal quicker as you found. You kept counting, kept switching songs, but... nothing was working. Sure, you were able to flail your arms around a bit, along with moving... what's left of your leg, but it wasn't going back to the way it used to be. It was completly severed, you felt, but where you would feel ligaments and muscles and bones morph and fuse back together, there was nothing.
After a few minutes, you stop trying. Pain meant nothing to you at this point: you've been torn apart and put back together again more times than you could count, but it felt... weird. Like you were a piece of paper slowly drifting down, swaying side to side until you finally met the ground.
As everything went dark, you stopped thinking about Nolan, about Mark, and even Debbie. It didn't matter now. You were going to be free.
Before bed, Nolan had Mark go with him to see his "ill behaved sibling," as he put it. The basement was more dingy and dark than he remembered it to be. Besides the smell of iron and blood, there wasn't the usual groan or crunch or curse from you. In fact, when Nolan got completely downstairs, he basically flew over to you.
"Get up."
Mark stood at the bottom of the stairs, staring down at your dismembered body. Unlike other times that Nolan had punished you, you weren't fully healed or even partially. Almost every single wound that you had hours earlier in the day were still there, and it looked like you had dragged yourself around the room from all the blood on the floor.
When you didnt move, Nolan kicked you, hard. Mark was expecting you to say something, do something, maybe at least try to fight back, but you didn't. You just sat there, bleeding all over the place. It made him think something was wrong
At this point, Nolan was obviously pissed. He picked you up by your neck, and held you above him, dangling your body in front of him.
"Dad, I think-"
"Let me handle this, Mark."
"You think you can just pretend to be dead so you can get out of being punished? You were the one who ran away, not me."
He tossed you across the room, letting you hit the wall and slide down unceremoniously. He then floated all the way back up the stairs, before looking back to Mark.
"Good luck trying to get them up."
And with that, he left. Mark stood there for a moment, before he rushed over to you.
"_____, I'm so sorry, I didn't think he would be that mad, I-"
When you didnt look at him, he stopped. He shook you, trying to get your attention, but your eyes were glassy. Empty.
You didnt awnser. Mark kept asking you, shaking you, moving you, but you weren't responding. Not even with a kick or a shout or anything.
It was when he couldn't feel your heartbeat when he started to panic.
"I know you're- you're upset, but cmon, it's just me!" He pleaded, shaking your body again and again. "Dads not here, he's upstairs, somewhere, it's just me!"
You didn't react. You just sat there, pressed up against the wall, looking like a ghost. Mark sat next to you, holding the remains of your hand.
"I'll sit with you, OK? Until you feel better. Don't worry, I don't mind. It's not like I'm doing anything."
He laughed to himself, before he squeezed your hand.
"Please heal soon. I miss you."
sorry if that sucked ass but oh well
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knullanon · 3 years
Invincible, mark’s older sister seemingly didn’t get powers, but after mark got his, Nolan is led to believe that she’s hiding her powers. It’s an awkward conversation for a returning college student
hmmmmmm.... good idea blooming.... also this?? was so good for me to write?? it just felt like I actually wrote something good??? thank u for this, I'm tired but I'm actually happy rn thank u :)
words: 2401
summary: getting accepted to a college almost across the country was you plan, but now that your father is suspicious of your timing, you realize it's not going to go to plan.
warnings: arguing,
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markie: did dad tell you about the family dinner tonight...
me: what dinner?
markie: he wanted to host a dinner to show his congratulations on you getting into collage
markie: lol, lucky ass. I'm getting tossed to the curb when I get out of highschool 😭
me: nuh-uh, bitch, I'm bringing your ass w me!! fuck this shit
me: besides can't be that bad. bring up a map and show me mongolia
markie: …bitch are you for real
markie: …no :')
me: yeah you're getting kicked out lmao
You shut off your phone to stare out the window of the cab, starting to wonder if it was a good idea to even tell your dad about the acceptance. The original plan you had was to get whatever college accepted you first and get a plane ticket, a dorm, the whole thing, and then tell him.
You already knew how angry he would've been, and the only reason you had told him a few days after the letter came was because of a mix of guilt, self doubt, and most of all fear. What would he do if you just told him "hey, leaving in 2 hours, say your goodbyes until maybe Christmas"? It wouldn't be a disaster, it would be the disaster.
The memories of him being so mad, no, enraged at you leaving the house only telling Debbie came back to you within those 3 days. With him being possessive and angry whenever you didn't do something right...
And when your powers never showed up, it almost felt like he was disappointed. You were, supposedly, disappointed as well, but for those first few months, he acted like he only had you for those reasons.
Which is exactly why you wanted to get out. It's why you started saving up, getting better grades, looking for possible places to live, colleges, everything you've done was now for what you wanted, and it was no longer just the "I'm going to be a hero" route.
While, yes it was a struggle to get everything in order and actually do it secretly, it was supposed to be worth it. Now, you were almost regretting deciding to announce it.
The slowness of the car made you focus, and you saw the house you were almost dreading to see. Was dreading the right word? You didn't know.
It almost felt unreal. You hadn't been going to actually live in the place for almost a year. Sure, you visited now and then, but you were more focused on your job, and more importantly, the research to get out of town.
Walking up the steps, you didn't even knock on the door when it almost slammed open. You were about to be knocked on your ass if not for the strong arms embracing you in a tight hug.
"_______! You take forever with everything!" Mark lifted you up into the air, and spun you around, before he set you down again.
"We're almost done with dinner, let's get your stuff back up!"
You thought looking at your room, neatly presented and almost untouched was a slap in the face of how much you missed home. And then you actually started talking to everyone.
"Oh, honey, I'm so glad you got that scholarship! I know you've always wanted that college for a while." Debbie was still the supporting mom you remember, always wanting for you what you wanted. "What major did you pick?"
You ate some food off your plate before you responded. "Well, they haven't said which ones they were available because of last years over-acceptance, but I was thinking of-"
"Where is the college, again?"
Oh no. Here was the conversation you were hoping to avoid. "It's on the West Coast, dad." Nolan was already looking pissed, and while you knew why, it still almost hurt on why he was like that. He set down his hand, and continued talking. "Why not a college nearby? Even a state away would be better than that, right Debbie?"
Debbie simply turned towards her husband before turning back to you. "_____, while I'm happy you got into a college, Nolan does have a point. What made you think of going so far."
Fortunately, overthinking sometimes gives you an advantage in these situations. "Well, I kinda just went for the top colleges since I had good grades. I mean, I'm never going to have a guaranteed job, so I might as well make sure I will."
You almost regretted your words as soon as they came out, but it was too late.
Nolan simply hummed, before he continued his dinner. Debbie realized what you meant, but she just simply lingered back to her food. You didn't turn your head to look at Mark, but you could feel the tension in the room. He probably felt it as well.
Which is probably why he spoke up. "So, dad, uh, I heard you caught a weird bird man?"
Nolan, who visibly jolted, looked up at his son and replied, "Oh yeah, that guy. Huh, I'll tell you that he was weird and creepy at the same time. So, I was flying around town when..."
2 hours later, and you were sitting up in bed on your phone, looking through your phone, and reading through different news stories. The bird ones were almost comical to read, and the Invincible stories were wholesome or made you proud.
What if you did that?
You cut that thought out as a story popped up, the headline in big bold letters:
You clicked on it, remembering attending the funeral a few weeks prior.
While the killer hasn't been found, it has been notified that Omni-Man, the only survivor of the attack, has been found to be healthy and is now continuing his hero work. Meanwhile, the deaths of these heroes has been affecting the whole world and while support and love have been shown from around the globe, it does bring up a new question: who will be the new Guardians of The Globe, and will they meet the expectations of the world?
You sat there staring at the screen for a minute, before you started to actually think about the whole situation. It just made you feel more guilty.
You could be helping! Saving lives! Making your family proud! But instead, you decide to live a life and leave them to help themselves! For what? Will you not be a good hero? Will you do nothing anyway?
Are you afraid of him?
You tossed yourself off your bed, and grabbed your headphones, and put on a jacket and some comfy pants.
Walking outside of your room, you remembered you didn't drive here, so you couldn't drive anywhere, which narrowed down a lot of places. Then, an idea came to your mind. You tiptoed over to your parents room, and saw that they were fast asleep. You did the same thing to Mark's room, and saw the same thing.
You decided that the coast was clear for the night, at least. You flew to the outside and up and into the air. It does feel better to move this fast without feeling like I'm giving up something, you thought to yourself.
And while you flew off to find a mountain. Nolan stared out the window, mouth gaping as he saw you fly away.
The silence helped out a lot. Just being left alone with our thoughts makes you calm down.
Everything had happened so fast. You were ready to go, and relax with your mostly stress free life, when they just... died. You knew you shouldn't be mad at dead people, it wasn't their fault, you saw the devastation it had caused, and yet...
You were pissed. Everything was working. Everything was in motion, why hadn't it worked? Oh, that's why, because someone decided to murder all of these people and then your guilty conscience was fucking you up now?
You didn't want to fill in their shoes, you didn't want to deal with their problems, that was for your brother, your dad, actual heroes. You knew why you didn't want to be a hero: it was obvious.
You weren't meant to be one.
When you got your powers, you were so excited to tell your mom, your dad, Mark: especially Mark: it would've been good to rub it into the face of an annoying 9 year old Mark.
And then you looked at the actual job of a hero.. What they did, what they achieved, everything: it wasn't for you. You didn't have the patience, the attitude, or anything to do it.
So, you hid it all. You only used the powers when you were practicing, like flying around a mountain, or practicing fighting. You were almost caught some times- the news article of a strange blur of a human figure going at Mach 2 near Mount Everest made you think you were done for- but it had all ended up good and great.
And now you were guilty: you were guilty of not helping. Of not being there for others. And now look at what happened.
Taking out your headphones and shutting off your music, you sat and watched the night sky go by. You didn't know where you had flown to, only that you were having a very big moment, and that no one could take it from you.
Except, that's what you believed until you heard him.
"So, UC San Diego, huh?"
You whipped around, flying in the sky for a minute before realizing your mistake and setting yourself on the ground.
"Oh, you think that's gonna convince me?" He said, now setting himself on the ground. "Like I didn't see you fly to this mountain and then fly off the goddamn ground."
"It's not your business anyway." You turned your head to the side, refusing to look him in the eye.
"Oh, so not only can I not have a say in the colleges you go to, but I can't have a say in your powers?" By now he was right in front of you, and you felt the anger and rage coming off of him, almost like an alarm, flashing over and over again, telling you to get out.
"You never had the choice to do anything I did." You ground out back, realizing now that it was fruitless to sit back and wait for him to say something else, so you decided fuck it, you're already waist deep in this shit.
"Oh, really? Like I'm just some random guy who wants to use you?" He almost chuckled
"Well from the looks of it, you are." You turned to face him, now in his face instead of the other way around. "When you realized it wasn't gonna happen, you acted like I was nothing! Like I was just a burden to the family. I wasn't gonna break easy, I knew you only wanted me for my abilities. And you have Mark for that now, don't you? You couldn't have cared about me for a minute after you realized that I was just what you didn't want: a normal human with no abilities."
He didn't say anything, only looked at you with almost a softer look, but still mad.
"Yeah, look at you. You're realizing I'm not an idiot. You liked Mark so much more than me, huh? When you realized he was the perfect son?"
His fists curled up as he sat back, maybe for the first time in a while during your arguments. "I didn't tell you because I don't want you as a dad: I wish you weren't anything related to me. You proved me right on a lot of things, but this one- this one takes the cake.
"You just wanted a kid who was just like you, who you could train to do whatever you wanted."
Nolan didn't know what to say: that he loved you still, even if you never did have powers? That you were still his daughter? That you were his pride and joy, and that no matter what you did he would always be with you?
But then he saw it: he was disappointed in the fact that you didn't have powers. He was so excited for that moment: when you got them. Honestly, he was much more prepared for you to join his side rather than Mark. He saw it in you, he knew it was there.
And then he ruined it. Because of his selfishness and stupidity. He realized that, in the moment, everything, you going to a different college, leaving suddenly, hiding your abilities: it was because he had failed.
He had realized that he was failing at his true mission: but he had failed at the one he wanted to do, as well.
He didn't realize you were walking away until the last minute. "Well, since you know what you did, you might as well go and tell Mark. And Mom."
He reached out, wanting to say something: but what? What could he possibly say to make anything better?
And when you turned around, and seeing you start to choke up and cry, he knew he couldn't do anything in the moment.
But you flew away. It was quick too, making dust fly off the floor. The ground shook from the force. It made his heart ache even more, realizing you had been practicing flying on your own-
And there, he saw it. His behavior that had made you like this.
For one of the only times in his life, he felt like he was in the wrong. It came like a slap to the face. Like he had been hit by a planet and tossed around. It was this booming realization, and his guilt started to show itself.
He knew he had to fix this. There was no way he could leave this be: he had to prove to you that he was...
Not a good person. No, he realized that with his mission and failures he would never be that.
But maybe a better father. Maybe someone who you would be willing to talk it out with. He had to convince you of that, before you left.
And who knows, if you don't listen to reason, there's always the option of just holding you with them, until you are convinced of reason.
nolan you fucking moron
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